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PullusPardus said:
o_O.Q said:

lol so a walkaway being destroyed brought a whole building down?

lol i give up

gentleman believe what you want to it is ultimately your decision



the people at the top of that pyramid are laughing at you ironically while you think you have it all figured out because the media fed you some bs about a walkway lol




I have a feeling you never heard of these.


One is a Pyramid and the other is the Eye Of Horus which is the god of judgment. Ancient Egyptians had these on top of their Temples and had monks act like judges whichever the eye "sees as a criminal" is punished.  It is used as a symbol for US "One nation under god indivisble with liberty and justice for all"

 I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

People like you just like to make stuff up and celebrities just like to taunt you about it so they would get more media attention. I think you're the ones who are being played. Just make a pyramid symbol and the whole USA goes apeshit about it. like this guy

You'd think an "All mighty" organization would want a stupid mainstream rapper who'd probably forgotten in a couple of years to be a member of them?

lol i knew this reply was coming and that's why i posted that

a pyramid can be consider as a heirarchy of abstraction

meaning that moving towards the base the topic at hand is less specific and moving to the pinnacle the topic becomes more specific

therefore if the topic at hand is those with knowledge then those at the pinnacle are most informed

that was all i was saying lol but i know your type so i know you'd run with it and jump into all sorts oif irrelevent bs about egypt and celebrities holding their hands up in a cetain way which is completely irrelevent to the point i made lol

and that right there imo shows just how much you and those like you have been manipulated to the point that you can't see the value in things that are supposedly connected to "conspiracies"