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NightDragon83 said:
o_O.Q said:

until a little over a month ago i hadn't either

why do you think that is?

Because you either don't live in the US and / or are too young to have experienced the events of 9/11 as they unfolded yourself (and one look at your profile confirms both of these things)... those of us who do and who have experienced it firsthand knew about building 7's collapse THE DAY IT FREAKING HAPPENED, because we watched it happen on live TV!

I'm not surprised you only first heard about it "a little over a month ago", which just so happens to coincide with the anniversary, because that's when the 9/11 Truthers crawl out from under their rocks every year to peddle their conspiracy theories that have been debunked a hundred times over already, and unfortunately there are plenty of gullible people who swallow their BS whole each and every time.


lol have you realised that up to now you haven't even tried to answer my original question?

all you've done is bring up irrelevent information and now you've even decended to the point where all you've basically posted is a pointless ad hominem attack