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Kerotan said:

oh my mind is very open. it's open enough to know that the US govt couldn't keep a lid on a fucking tin of beans! building 7 was destroyed because it got pummuled to bits while the towers were falling down. You act as if they were made of match sticks and shouldn't of had an effect on the buildings they fell on. And yes large parts of at least one tower fell onto it. 

There is a world order but it's no secret like people want to believe. The real world order are the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer. That's gone on for as long as civilisations were advanced. It's not secret cult it's just a sad product of human nature. The rich will always look out for each other and try ensure things stay the way they are. 

"building 7 was destroyed because it got pummuled to bits while the towers were falling down"

please watch the video again... its quite clear that is not what happened

the video shows the building from various angles and at no point does it show bits from the other buildings falling on it

the building is just whole once second with no apparent damage, then the next it just collapses in on itself

watch it again do not fall for confirmation bias

allow yourself to reach any conclusion not just the predetermined conclusion you've been told you must have