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o_O.Q said:
Kerotan said:
nintentacle i'm not going to continue to debate this with you. you've brainwashed yourself. well done.

if you look into everything in the world you're going to find a shit ton of weird coincidences. My birthday is 9/11 backwards and i was born 10 years before. BTW did I forget to say I'm the head of Illuminati!! Oh and the second and third letters in Illuminati are the twin towers. i could make shit up all day and feed it to fools who want to believe. Now that I think about it i can see why people make this shit up. Because so many morons follow it like a religion!

fair enough... the thing is though is that all you've done is simply dismiss this out of hand

i'll ask you once more and you can decide to acknowledge what i'm asking or dismiss it straight away

how was building 7 destroyed?

the building shown in that video that most people don't even know of as most of the attention was fixated on the twin towers


my point in asking about this is not to push the idea that nintendo is part of a global conspiracy or whatever obviously

my point is simply that you seem to be falling into the trap of confirmation bias 

all i ask is that you open your mind to the possibility that your beliefs on something may not be completely accurate

oh my mind is very open. it's open enough to know that the US govt couldn't keep a lid on a fucking tin of beans! building 7 was destroyed because it got pummuled to bits while the towers were falling down. You act as if they were made of match sticks and shouldn't of had an effect on the buildings they fell on. And yes large parts of at least one tower fell onto it. 

There is a world order but it's no secret like people want to believe. The real world order are the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer. That's gone on for as long as civilisations were advanced. It's not secret cult it's just a sad product of human nature. The rich will always look out for each other and try ensure things stay the way they are.