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Well there's already spoilers and the statute of limitations for this shit has to have worn off by now anyway, so I'll share my favorite MGS memory, which obviously has big spoilers for MGS4's ending.

I remember at the end of MGS4 I was watching the final CS with Snake about to commit suicide. He's all freaking out about having to kill himself, and my girlfriend looked over from her game and said "Just do it already!"

The camera pans up as you hear the gunshot. She immediately looked like someone had killed her pet and literally screamed "I DIDN'T MEAN IT!" while she ran over to me crying.

Suddenly the credits stop on Richard Doyle as Big Boss. It cuts back in to show Snake alive and she flips her shit! She was pissed, it was adorable seeing her turn beat red with embarrassment.

Then Big Boss died. She started crying again lol. She got really upset when I explained Big Boss was the Snake from MGS3, her favorite of the Snakes. She didn't calm down until we were going to bed and she sheepishly told me she was happy Snake was saved and that Big Boss could die saving his son.

And that's my best MGS memory.