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Purple said:
Lucas-Rio said:

The success on the Wii was based on motion control, not on "new ip".

The only reason why licence did not grow from Wii/DS to Wii U/3DS is poo hardware sales.

Nintendo franchise are not declining, they are selling less because much less hardware has been sold. That's all. A lot of thse franchise grew a lot from GC to Wii.

So firstly I take it you accept every Nintendo franchise has had fewer sales from last gen to current gen. This is called a decline so my premise isn't wrong as you intially stated.

Saying the success of the Wii is exclusively due to motion controls without any acknowledgement of the software is short sighted. People weren't interested in waving a stick around for no reason. They were interested in the way those games used motion controls to create new experiences. Wii Sports, Wii Fit, Brain Age, Nintendogs etc. are all massive reasons the Wii and DS sold what it did.

Now Wii U also has motion controls. If motion control alone sold hardware, the Wii U would be doing well. The reality is, the Wii U has no new software that excited people like the Wii had. Simply releasing improved versions of Nintendo classics is killing the brand. Fewer people are picking them up because people want new games, not the same old thing slightly improved.

Edit: This isn't a Nintendo exclusive issue. In a a few weeks Destiny is the top selling game on PS4. People want new experiences on a new console. Titanfall is the biggest game on Xbox One. I'm starting to see a pattern here.

the motion control fad is deader then the Vita at this point that is why motion controls aint selling the Wii U or even the Xbox One and a big part to Destiny and Titanfall's success came down to their really good marketing and EA/Resapwn and Activsion/Bungie hyping those games up like they were the second coming of jesus.