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Purple said:
zippy said:
New IPs like W101 (which is amazing) haven't done a lot to boost Wii U sales, however an "overused IP" called Mario Kart has mostly doubled Wii U sales. I think so far with Wii U Nintendo have created/funded a few new IPs or a different take on an already existing one, they have also ressurrected a sequel in which its last iteration was about ten years ago. W101, Lego City undercover, Sonic Lost world, Hyrule Warriors and even a new 3rd party IP in Zombi U are all interesting games that are either a new IP or a radical shift from how other games in their genre play, I also think that Smash Bros U will prob outsell them all combined. In terms of games i think Nintendo have done a good job blending new IPs, interesting exclusives and their classic franchises to created a good unique library, their big mistake was oversaturating the NSMB games, they should have held the 3DS version back. For me as a gamer, i much prefer what Nintendo have done with Wii U compared to what they did with the Wii, unfortunately the mass market dont think this.

Mario Kart is a series in decline and is a perfect example of what I'm saying. It is a series being killed by Nintendo's reluctance to build new IP and attract new customers to the console.

considering how much both Mario Kart DS (22.94) and Mario Kart Wii (34.64 million) have its kinda hard to top both considering how considering to the gamedatabase on this site there have only been a total of 19 games to have ever sold over 20 million copies and also Mario Kart 8 is just right behind 64 for the third highest selling entry in the series so it aint really a decline