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zippy said:
New IPs like W101 (which is amazing) haven't done a lot to boost Wii U sales, however an "overused IP" called Mario Kart has mostly doubled Wii U sales. I think so far with Wii U Nintendo have created/funded a few new IPs or a different take on an already existing one, they have also ressurrected a sequel in which its last iteration was about ten years ago. W101, Lego City undercover, Sonic Lost world, Hyrule Warriors and even a new 3rd party IP in Zombi U are all interesting games that are either a new IP or a radical shift from how other games in their genre play, I also think that Smash Bros U will prob outsell them all combined. In terms of games i think Nintendo have done a good job blending new IPs, interesting exclusives and their classic franchises to created a good unique library, their big mistake was oversaturating the NSMB games, they should have held the 3DS version back. For me as a gamer, i much prefer what Nintendo have done with Wii U compared to what they did with the Wii, unfortunately the mass market dont think this.

Mario Kart is a series in decline and is a perfect example of what I'm saying. It is a series being killed by Nintendo's reluctance to build new IP and attract new customers to the console.