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Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:
Purple said:
Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:

You mean like new BIG IPs right? Cause they are making new IPs such as splatoon and they made a few in the wii days too!

Actually, I have this funny pic I will post later

As I said in the OP, the success of the Wii was almost entirely based on new IP so this is more about the last four years. The Wii U has two that I can count, three if you stretch the definition a little and include NES Remix.

Well... Thats arguable really cause granted wii sports was great but I doubt it is the reason why people bought a wii... The wii was marketed very nicely and the motion controls appealed to the casuals as well as its casual games... And not to mention the price point was very cheap compared to its competitors and it launched with Zelda! Vs the wiiU was marketed very poorly and not to mention the huge amount of confusion with the names, it launched with fuck all really compared to Zelda and the Casual market basically went to mobile and a whole other list of reasons why the wiiU is doing soo poorly but the 3ds is doing great by comparasion even though it doesnt have that many new IPs

Pretty much this.

Like Jizz Beard said later too, the casual market is not a loyal one and they will play what's the coolest thing out now. And he brings up a good point where Nintendo didn't have to deal with the Mobile market at the time DS was selling like Hotcakes.

It's crazy that you are stating this, for many say Nintendo's inability to deliver with their OLD IPs at Launch date was a HUGE reason why the Wii U is not selling. Granted they had New Super Mario Bros Wii U, but NSMB series as a whole are just Solid games to back up the Heavy Hitting games (Pokémon, Zelda, 3D Mario's, Mario Kart's etc).

I could remember the Wii U only launching with NSMBWiiU, Nintendo Land, and ZombiiU. Now imagine they would have added DK:TF, The Wonderful 101, a Smash Bros or a Mario Kart (either one would be enough), Pikmin 3, and a Zelda game at release? You are looking at a whole different ballgame. That was also when Nintendo was still getting 3rd party support from publishers as well. Who knows, maybe if they would have followed this strategy, they would still have 3rd party support and would have at least had 10 million console owners? 

Nintendo's mistake was that they thought their Wii fanbase would stay Loyal to Nintendo products no matter what they name it or the lack of Software they throw out there. They are paying for their arrogance now, lets hope they are never arrogant again...

For the Record, Nintendo Land and ZombiiU are new IPs too.