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His advice is for a depression era when jobs are hard to come by. Just be thankful you have a job and maybe through hard work you will get promoted (more than likely you will just get laid off). It is piss poor advice if you ask me. Just work hard and keep your mouth shut and maybe you will get promoted. The whole karma thing is complete bullshit if you ask me.

Sure there are pay scales and time tables that most companies follow to give their employees raises. However, if you want to break free from the 10-35 cent raise each year (not even enough to keep up with inflation) sometimes you gotta speak up instead of hoping your hard work will pay off.

My best advice... If you don't like your job or think you should be paid more then look for another higher paying job (it is also a lot easier to get hired on at another job if you are currently employed). If you get accepted for that job then go back to your employer and tell them hey I got another job that is paying this much more. I wouldn't mind staying here if you are able to at least match the offer of the other job. If they turn the raise down then leave the company for the higher paying job. I did this once and it worked.  They acted like they had to bend over backwards to give me a dollar raise and then told me to keep quiet because I would be making more than the line lead.