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cannonballZ said: said:

After many years of selling laptops, I came to this controversial conclusion. Although Toshiba harddrives are common across the board, they are horrible. Don't buy a toshiba harddrive EVER!!

I have also had a few friends who experienced issues with toshiba potable HD's. Your second shot might be just unlucky though. Next time but it from somewhere you can return it if it doesn't work for you. Maybe bestbuy?

I still have receipt and it's only 10 days old. I believe I can take it back. What kind of HDD would you recommend?

I have always used a WD passport for my external, but I am not sure if that would work on the Wii U at all??  (unfortunately). I'm not sure what spec is required for that re a dedicated power source. I believe the Wii U may not be able to detect whether the power is on, on the device, so the harddrive would shut off without its own dedicated power sourse.

 I know that the WD power book or WD element works with the Wii U, but they are quite pricey. $99+ on the official site for the book w/ the elements on newegg and other places for about $64 but buy it from best buy so you can return if their is an issue. power book  is actually under 100 at bestbuy right now when I googled it. (I have noticed that their is always a certain % of any product that is faulty and with hard drives, the % is quite high no matter who the producer is. WD have never failed on me though for external use.