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kowenicki said:
kitler53 said:
honestly,. i think this is pretty insulting to any employee (not just women). what he's really asking is that you never demand to be payed for the value of the work you do but hope that at some point the company will recognize your hard work and someday get around to properly paying you.

...i've worked for both big and small companies and i know very first hand how far big companies will go to ensure people are compensated at little as possible. the "karma" thing can kind of work at a small company were relationships are very personal but when dealing with a big corporate HR the entire system is built to keep you down.

You may be right, although I personally dont think you are and that you are at best using a sweeping generalisation.... but that doesnt make what he said "insulting", it makes it bad advice.  I have worked for large corporations when I was starting out where I have asked for pay rises and others where they were just offered to me.

If you or anyone is insulted by this then I suggest getting some perspective and not being so fragile. 

my statements aren't a sweeping generalization,.. they are specific to my time at GE.

it's my feeling after being told i am getting a "promotion" because the buisness needs me to do a specific role and i'm my skills are soo valueable but then also being told we can't offer you a raise right now because HR's goals and objectives are to lower payroll by 15%.   ..we can reconsider next year.   ..maybe.

it's my feelings after watching 10% of my division getting layed off despite our 29% profit margin and then being told i have to take on extra responsibilites to compensate for our holes in staffing even if that means working well over a 40 hour week.

it's my feelings after having a stagnat wage for 5 years because "times are rough" and we need to "protect the company".

it's my feeling after hearing from my ex-collegues that they were required to work through their xmas vacation (without comp days) last year or they would be put on a performance improvement plan because last year was a "all hands on deck" sort of year. the end i left and in doing so i got a 46% raise.    so in summary,.. fuck GE.   i'm soo much happier now that i'm out of that abusive employee environment.  it's all the sweeter that i left for the competition and over the last year took ~20% of their business with me (not GE obviously,. just my division).