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Intrinsic said:

 Please just do a simple google search on how many innings a starting pitcher needs to "get the win" in baseball.

And by your logic, that means the 6th gen of consoles finished in december 2012 when sony stopped manufacturing PS2s? A year before releasing the PS4... ok then. Not even gonna try and start explaining how wrong that line of thinking is if you can't figure it out for yourself.

As a lifelong baseball fan and former player this is not correct. A starting pitcher needs 5 innings to qualify for the win. If the lead changes and his team still wins he gets the "W". If he was leading when he left and is responsible for no runnners currently on base but his team loses he neither gets a win or a loss. At that point another pitcher (a relief pitcher) is responsible for the outcome. There is no win for the starter to get, obviously, as the team lost the game.

Just wanted to clear that up. :)