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People are making the comment that it plays all 3DS games and that the Game Boy Color and DSi had exclusives but it was added to the Game Boy.

How about the Game Boy Advance?  All GB and GBC games played on the Game Boy Advance and sales weren't combined.  It also uses the same name.  It's a Game Boy [Advance] like the GBC was the Game Boy [Color].

The Game Boy Advanced added L and R.  The New 3DS ZL and ZR.  Controls not available on the 3DS and there are no attachments.  The CPU is three times faster and it has double the amount of RAM.  The system isn't as powerful as the Vita, but it's a different beast when compared to the 3DS.

sc94597 said:
kupomogli said:
 The 3DS isn't anywhere close to being powerful enough to run Xenoblade Chronicles, so it's received more than a slight bump in in power. 

Can you substantiate that?  The limiting factor seems to be two things: architecture differences from the wii and raw cpu/gpu speed. Advantages the 3DS has over the Wii is more and faster ram, programmable shades,  and a lower output resolution(allows for more to be done elsewhere. ) Overall a port of Xeboblade would be just a matter of how easy can they fit the code to the 3DS architecture without bottlenecks,  and that is why a slightly more powerful cpu is all that might be needed to save time and money.  Otherwise,  with enough time and money Xeboblade could definitely be ported to the 3ds original. 

CPU and RAM are some of the biggest limitations to every Nintendo console.  The 3DS could handle the graphics of Xenoblade, but the game would probably be unplayable due to framerate.  It's the reason why a lot of DS games and 3DS games have the camera shoved so far up the player characters ass it's not even funny.  Have too much information on screen at once and it won't be able to keep up with what's going on.


I agree with KylieDog.  The GBC shouldn't have been counted with the GB because it was a different system.  The DSi was advertised as an upgrade to add eshop games and internet compatibility, or extra power to use additional features.  It was never advertised as a brand new system though.  The GBC was advertised as a brand new system and even had exclusive retail games like Dragon Warrior 3 as well as many others. There were a lot of games that stated "Only on Game Boy Color."  Even more if you lived in Japan.

Nintendo is advertising these as new consoles and that's what they should be represented as.  They're getting exclusive games that won't be playable on the previous iteration.  Not shitty eshop indie titles and not a little bit of extra content.  Full retail exclusives.