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I played Crysis in this order: Crysis Warhead -> Crysis 2 -> Crysis. I considered Warhead to be marginally better than 2 because of Psycho, its setting and its open structure. When I played Crysis however 2 feel like a downgrade in retrospect. Almost everything about it was impressive, even the zero gravity level. The visuals held up really well and the gameplay felt much so much better. I also preferred its levels, some of which were insanely huge (The Tank level for instance, I got out on foot at one point and was running around for what felt like ages) and guns didn't look the same (I don't know why but every gun looked the same to me in Crysis 2). I've never played Crysis 3 myself but I watched a friend play it on his XBox 360 and it looked (not just graphically) really bad.

Open world games are making a big comeback. The Witcher 3 and Phantom Pain look really promising and seem to be doing for other genres what Crysis did for FPS in terms of open world interaction. I'm patiently waiting for a new physics and destruction heavy FPS on console and PC. Its been too long.

I predict that the Wii U will sell a total of 18 million units in its lifetime. 

The NX will be a 900p machine