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Intrinsic said:
Arkaign said:
HollyGamer said:
It's time for Playstation total world domination's if the shipping number is bigger then Xbox one, there is possibility outselling Xbox one number that had been sold there.

Eh, it'll be a cripple fight in China. These things are novelties at best.

Let's generously guess FW X1 sold through 60k. With iPhone6 launching shortly afterwards, the 2nd and 3rd week would look something like 7k and 4k, respectively, making a bulls-eye shot towards 1-2k/week baseline. And that's even fairly optimistic to be honest. There's not a precedent for people sustaining home consoles there, and as we can see in South Korea, a market that's fully invested in PC + Phone + MMO is pretty useless for a console to bother in.

PS4 might 'win', but it's a phyrric victory in a market so tiny and irrelevant.

X1 lifetime might .. miiiiiiiiight stretch to 400k in China over a few years. Even if PS4 doubled that, it's still peanuts.

you seem to know so much about a market that ahs not had any official slaes tracking in 14yrs at best. The amount of ignorance levied against china is baffling. This is a country that borrows NA money for crying out loud. Its also a country that sold bought 1M iphones in a month and is projected to sell 15-24M iphones per year. This is a country that currently indirectly owns an increasing number of companies in the free world.

I don't know how well or poorly consoles will sell there, but I thnk its just silly to conclude that they won't. Especially when everything else shows that they can. The funny thing about china, is that if just 1% of their population are interested in buying consoles, thats already over 13M people right there. I can't even begin to understand the logic in thinking that a country with a population of over 1.3B people will not have at least 5M people willing to buy consoles over the next 6 years.

The numbers or logic suggesting such just doesn't add up.

I have dealt with Chinese companies and traveled there extensively, along with Taiwan and Hong Kong due to business. I perhaps confused things with my wording. The culture is the big obstacle. Leisure and home entertainment are largely looked down on in the society even for those that can afford it, and status is incredibly important there. Iphone is popular because it makes a statement and is something to show how you are have 'made' it in the new China. It's a very appearance oriented culture that has emerged in the new middle class there. It's all new, and utterly unrecognizable from even a decade ago. Perhaps things could evolve in the future but as it stands console gaming is a niche within a niche at best. People might show curiosity, but to establish a relevant market in a culture that doesn't want or demand such offerings is impossible. I'm sorry to be the bearer of unwelcome information, but that's where things stand, and I didn't even touch on the government angle. There is a ton of money in China, but it's largely concentrated in tiny pockets of elites, then you have a moderate middle class with okay money but zero spare time and priorities that place brand name and outward appearance as #1 importance, and then you have the billion+ that can't afford to even think about a console in a million years.