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Kresnik said:
the_dengle said:

Good thing we know AA games don't need that many sales to get sequels.

I'd imagine handheld games would have a different barrier to reach due to lower production values.

Which would have some relevance if they had more than 2 handheld franchises -_-

Well, really I was referring to AA games in general and using AA as an example of a AA game. Capcom has other AA games, like Mega M-- hm. Well, like Viewtiful J-- oh. Ach, you know, like Lost Pl-- what the hell Capcom, you make it so hard to like you sometimes, you know that??

Regarding handheld franchises, Resident Evil was a quite successful handheld franchise for all of 10 minutes, and then Capcom decided they didn't like being successful. Mega Man was also a successful handheld franchise until they screwed that up, too.

It's kind of strange how many Japanese publishers who had a lot of success on handhelds have suddenly decided that they're too good to settle for merely moderate successes, and have to aim for massive success with every one of their games, even if it means making less money on a lot of them because their budgets are disproportionately large. Like Konami with Castlevania, Capcom with the aforementioned, or Square-Enix with almost everything. Even Grand Theft Auto had very good sales on both PSP and DS, yet Rockstar won't give the Vita or 3DS the time of day.

I'd think the rise of the mobile market had anything to do with this, but these guys aren't exactly making a killing in that space, either.