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I'll get FH2 eventually, it will be my first purchase with an XB1.

For now I'm instantly addicted to Drive Club. I just bought it this afternoon and apparently I've already driven over 300 miles. I'll be paying for that tomorrow, got to get out of bed in 4 hours :/ The cars handle great, difficulty is just right. It's definitely more sim than arcade with the faster cars. Early braking and careful acceleration through the corner while nudging the steering wheel is required to maintain control in tricky chicanes. I spent another hour doing a random time trial racing against myself through the day/night cycle, so addictive. It's like doing a GT Nurburgring endurance race, can't stop.

The AI can be quite aggressive, but it's nice to have a bit of a challenge after playing GT for so long. It made getting a clean lap in Scotland quite nerveracking. I could ofcourse have fallen behind the pack to do it at a leisurely pace (the game doesn't require you to get all tasks in the same run) but where's the sport in that :)

I can't comment on the online features, apart from they haven't worked all day...
got to go to bed now /bah real life.