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wary-wallaroo said:
roborad said:
ethomaz said:

The End!!!

Bye MCC.


GTA PS4 bundle = total domination. It was already going to be a bloodbath, it's just going to get even bloodier now. 

Goatseye said:

UK is the main European market. Besides UK Xbox doesn't sell much in other territories anyway. My reply to him is about "most of X360 owners migrated to PS4" type of comment.

Present some numbers or a little bit of evidence at least.

In the UK , much like the US, a lot of X360 games are shouldering with PS4 and X1 versions.

And the console with the most games on top 20, be it UK or US, is X360.

It doesn't matter if it's the "main" European market, the rest of Europe makes up a much bigger portion of the European market. The X360 sold a very good amount in the mainland, and the X1 is pretty much dead which does indicate a large amount of people in Europe (and even elsewhere) are migrating to PS4 this gen. 

The xbox one isn't dead.  It's just selling at a slower, consistent rate.  

And no, the xbox one isn't going to collapse in the NA or the UK, imo.