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Shadow1980 said:

Yes, it's a marginal improvement, with an improved CPU and presumably more RAM, but it's not a generational leap like the jump from the GB/GBC to GBA, or GBA to DS, or DS to 3DS. It's still the same generation as the 3DS. Incidentally, the DSi also had improved specs over previous models of the DS, with an improved CPU and more RAM, though to my knowledge there were no games designed to run specifically on it like with the GBC and the New 3DS.

Actually the DSi did have exclusive software but no one really gave a damn about them sooo ...

GBC to GBA wasn't much of a generational leap either yet Nintendo counted it separately from the GB/GBC. If anything GB to GBC was the bigger leap in terms of hardware yet GBC is counted as the marginal upgrade compared from GBC to GBA ...