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CosmicSex said:
GribbleGrunger said:
CosmicSex said:
"confirmed the document’s authenticity and said actual production amounts may differ."

That could cut both ways but I'm willing to bet it would be adjusted up not down, given the recent poll that suggested more Chinese gamers want the PS4.

Yeah I saw one of those polls... had 6:1 favorablility over the Xbox One... but I think 500-600k may be more they they can do at launch.   We have to start speculating what this means for Sony.   People are people wherever you go so I expect the PS4 to lead China as well. 

Perhaps Sony are being very careful with the markets. If they can only produce a certain amount of consoles a year, they'll be pretty confident they can sell more PS4s next year in Japan/US/Europe. It wouldn't be wise to suddenly ship a huge ammount of consoles to Chine only to realise they haven't got enough for the two most important regions: UK/US (in terms of stopping MS getting any footing). If it sells well in China, perhaps they'll up production but I'm betting they're working on a 'wait and see' policy. MS probably committed to more consoles because at present they can produce more than they can sell.


The PS5 Exists.