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Chris Hu said:
Bullsrun said:
Chris Hu said:

If you really can't stand the handling I guess you have to work on your tuning skills since all the cars are fully tuneable or try the dumped down 360 version of the game like I recomended earlier.

So i got to play 360 games becasue X1ones are so low class.  You should make a thread telling that to all potential X1 buyers.  Dont get me started on the irrelevent moding/tuning in the game.  Yahh its there but its useless.  Even the tuning has little effect on H2 bad handling, i add 150hp to a car still drives around the same lol.  H2 may have F5 features, but they are near useless to the bad handling and laughable racing.  H2 is great if you avoid any sort of racing, sticking to mucking about jumping crashing stuff.  It can be barely called a racing game.

I guess your just a lousy driver then I have no problem with the handling in Horizon 2.

Or  maybe you just are more forgiving to lousy bad handling due to you emotional alligience to a corporation.  


-Mr Khan