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I do think MSFT deserves more credit for how big Halo is; and by that I mean marketing. Bungie definitely has a lot of talent, but the way MSFT markets Halo helps it be so successful. I have no doubt that if the Uncharted games were exclusive to the 360 they'd probably have all sold 9-10 million copies each with how much marketing would have went with them. This is coming from a Playstation only gamer.

Destiny is selling really well, and I think all the disappointment has been with expectations everyone had for the game. The gunplay is really fun and most agree it is good. I think the disappointment came when the campaign was just more of the same of the beta. Go here activate ghost fight off a wave, etc. Bungie is a good studio, but I think with MSFT marketing Halo became a lot bigger than what it might have been.