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SirFortesque said:
Guitarguy said:
d21lewis said:
One thing that kinda shocked me about Twin Snakes--the Gamecube was more powerful hardware than the PS2 and MGS:TTS still managed to be a downgrade in graphics at the time. I wasn't a graphics whore but it was pretty obvious to me as soon as I fired the game up. The lack of a "select" button kinda hurt things, too. I forgot which two buttons (still have the game, btw--in fact, I still have REMake!) but you had to press two buttons to access the codec. Not good.

Now that you mention it, putting down your gun whilst it was drawn without firing, was a huge pain! In the PS2 version of MGS2 you simply lifted off the square button lightly(due to the analog buttons) but the Gamecube controller just had digital buttons so you had to mess around with the R trigger to disable your weapon. This was complicated further when you were in first-person mode with your weapon drawn as you already had to hold down two buttons(one for drawing your weapon and one for activating first-person mode)!

I use a PS2 joypad adapter for GC and, for some reason, I'm pretty sure I didn't have the digital button problem... is this possibile ?

I used to have this for the Gamecube:

and it worked great.  I only used it for Soul Caliber 2, though.  I kinda doubt it would unlock the analog buttons for MGS:TTS, though.  Would be pretty good if it did!