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Libertarian, I guess.

My thoughts

1. Everything should be legal so long as it does not cause harm to, or take away freedom from another individual.

2. Always have a balanced budget, and with much less spending. Cut programs. Let people keep their money and choose how to use it themselves. Charities and family members should help the poor, not the taxpayer.

3. De-regulate business, let employees/employers negotiate wages, benefits, etc. End social security, end corporate taxes.

4. Simplify tax code, don't have a single loophole. I'm thinking just an income tax (progressive, but very low even for top bracket), and a sales tax on new goods (certain things exempt, like food).

5. Keep emergency services, roads, etc. under gov't control. But contract them out to private companies.

6. For lack of a better term, "nerf" the federal government. The feds can take care of national defence, international affairs, and a high court to settle disputes between states/provinces...but the rest should be done at state level or municipal level.

7. Stop bombing/invading foreign countries for shit sakes. We would have a lot more money if we weren't always bombing someone.

8. Privatize schools, hospitals, etc.

Doesn't this sound like a nice place to live? You actually get to keep almost all the money you earn, and you can do whatever you like so long as you aren't causing harm to others?

I could probably have gotten into more details but I gotta go to class and I'm not trying to make it tl;dr, feel free to reply if you have comments/concerns.