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Metal Gear Solid Twin Snakes is the worst remake ever.
Gameplay mechanics not fitting with in-game maps, it got framerate problems, voice acting actually terrible compared to the PS1 one, terrible beat soundtrack /except for some bosses), lack of additional modes, unbalanced difficulty (the second boss is actually harder than the Metal Gear), it has some problems in shadow effects and graphics are always SO BLUE and facial expressions/lip-sync are almost non-existing ... it's just a mess.

Oh yeah, and those cutscenes...

Just... eww.

Anyway it's fun messing around in Shadow Moses with MGS2 gameplay (which is my favorite one in the series), but that's it.


PS: It was a good chance to correct the censored dialogue about Meryl's rape... but of course they didn't ! They even censored the dialogue between Snake and Otacon about Meryl's butt ! 

Hey don't click here ! It's creepy !!

I want a PlayStation All-Stars Sequel ! Come on Sony, stop making too many shooters !

I'll make a better signature when I'll have time to do it...