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Zekkyou said:
SvennoJ said:
I doubt Drive club will go over 86. Too easy to deduct points for the delay, patch for weather or 50 cars.
It has my preference anyway. I'm a bit tired of open world racers where the scenery becomes old hat after 2 hours. 55 new tracks to learn inside and out sounds perfect to me.
Maybe I'll try the crew. 7000 miles of road, over 3x that of tdu2, 1900 sq miles, 25x area of FH2, 4 hour round trip, now that's open world. Rest could be crap though.

I've never understood the car stuff... I'm not a fan of racers myself, but i can't fathom why anyone would rather an excessively number of cars rather than more raw content (tracks etc).

I can understand hardcore sim enthusiasts wanting crate loads of cars in stuff like GT and FMS, but in a game like DC? Makes no sense to me.

I've always been a race fan, but cars are just the tool to me. I probably won't even drive all 50, 15 is about the max I use in any racer even in GT apart from all the cars you need for single races and challenges. Same with the obsession over how the car looks. Sorry I'm not paying attention to how many polygons are on the wheel rims while racing in hood cam.

I rather have an equal playing field where driving skill counts, instead of car picking/tuning skills. Lots of tracks, weather, no excessive amount of cars, no tuning, time for some real competition.