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Talal said:
the_dengle said:

I didn't come here to have a debate. I simply disagree. Prefer whichever game you want.

Amusing that you like the Souls games now . I remember you not understanding why someone would enjoy a punishing game like Dark Souls. Sometimes you just gotta try a game first before deciding whether you'd enjoy it or not.

Eh?? You sure you have the right person?


ethomaz said:

Cool. You didn't make one single point about what make Dark Souls better and you come and says disagree with you... that is not how you disagree with somebody else.

Contrary to popular belief, two people can in fact disagree and then go their separate ways. This isn't a courtroom, I don't have to present evidence to support my case. I simply prefer Dark Souls. I believe it is better. I'm not in the mood to argue with you or anyone else on the matter, and I doubt I ever will be, because I really don't care if someone thinks Demon's Souls is better than Dark Souls. They're both great games.