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I wonder how much AMD paid for that ad.

 Seriously, the comparisons are so cherry picked and obvious that it isn't even a joke anymore. Mantle is great but it's not the snake oil it is praised to be. Its advantages only show in very limited use cases. It's even more apparent if you notice the lack of comparisons without mantle. The truth is that AMD cards run faster at Sniper Elite even without mantle. And they are especially favored on high resolutions(4k) where all AMD cards have the upper hand thanks to higher memory bandwidth. Also no thanks to mantle.

So no. All this test shows is that mantle has a whooping 21 to 23% CPU advantage. So it's minimally less strenuous on a resource that every gaming PC has more than enough of anyway.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.