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MohammadBadir said:

That has more to do with the word Jihad being seen as synonymous with the words "Crazy Muslim bomber" by some people, even though that's far from what Jihad actually means.

Heck, the fact that ISIS kills Muslims, let alone Christians and the like, invalidates this by default.

IS does indeed kill a lot of Muslims. But then, IS doesn't regard those people as "proper" Muslims. They're unbelievers in IS's eyes.

As far as IS are concerned, they're cleansing the Islamic world of infidels and reclaiming "rightfully" Muslim land. They're far from the traditional crazy Muslim bomber.

MohammadBadir said:

Then that means Both Israel and the Palestinians are responsible for what's going on in the land.

I'm sure you already know that both of those parties claim that the land was their homeland.

They are, in a sense.

Of course, one of those paries seems to start firing rockets or storming out of the negotiating room whenever they come close to a mutually satisfactory two-state peace agreement.