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Kyuu said:
MoHasanie said:
That's so sad. We need to eliminate these people and all the people who support them.

I disagree with the second part. A lot of people support ISIS out of ignorance (either ignorance of what ISIS does, or ignorance that Shia and non-Muslim powers are more brutal. You know, temporarily accepting evil for the greater good and such? well some people think that works..) Despicable as it may be, eliminating them is too strong an action and it will do nothing more than justifying extremism to grow stronger.

When some radical Shia in Iraq finally began "responding" to the radical Sunni attacks following the destruction of two Shia Imam shrines in Samaraa in 2006. All it did is radicalizing some of the peaceful Sunnis as well. A Sunni child who lost his family will not think of what triggered this craze. All he knows is that a "Shia" turned his life into a hell. Little does he know that the Shia militant himself suffered a horrible history too.

You have to find some effective ways to educate people.. Ignorance has and will always be the first problem. I don't believe the western powers are sincere about offering help, it feels to me that some of them enjoy the instability of the region.

Yes I agree with you. I'm not sure how this problem can be solved. Education would certainly help but its a long term solution. They only way I think they can stop Sunni and Shia violence, at least in Iraq, is by splitting the country into three separate states for the Shiites, Sunnis, and Kurds. 


NNID: FrequentFlyer54