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UPDATE: Playstation takes the Ghosts battle

After recent adjustments it seems that Playstation has finally overtaken Xbox in total CoD Ghosts players. Even more surprising is the PS3 version of the latest entry has now over taken the X360 sku. (Something that has never happened in the last gen before)

PS3+PS4 = 11.73M
X360+X1= 11.02M

How does this bode for the oncoming battle of the latest CoD edition next month? Time will tell soon enough but one thing is for sure, Sony is in a great position now to take the top multiplayer shooter base. Especially with having a larger install base and the majority of the Destiny shooter crowd as well.

One thing to note however is the pre-orders on this very site show the Xbox sku’s dominating. However, in most cases first week numbers is usually a completely different story than pre-orders. Next month will be interesting to say the least.

Source: vgchartz