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DD_Bwest said:

As joel was in pretty rough shape, they took refuge in a mall.  Ellie finds a downed medi-vac chopper stuck in a roof.  playing as her you have to make your way to it, fighting the same guys from the unniversity.   It includes flash back parts where you are ellie before the whole ordeal.  Being at a military prep school its implied she would have had some kind of first aid training.  once she gets to the heli, she grabs some stuff and returns to joel to suture him up.  As she starts she says "im kind of an expert, sorta.." 

If you also remember back to the beginning of winter in the initial release, she wanted anti-biotics for joel.

So Ellie was able to suture both front and back all on her own at the same time? Joel should have bled to death by then considering his adrenaline and heart rate being driven up prior to the impalement. Also, he seems to have been pierced through the middle, severing his spine. If not, torn into his digestive system which is tightly packed. Even if not, Joel would suffer infection and need surgery. Prior to that, he'd need an ambulance, a sterile surgery room, sterile surgery tools, and a team of trained professionals considering the copious amounts of bleeding that had taken place.

ND wrote U2 for goodness' sake! If they wanted Ellie to go out on her own for a while, surely they could have thought of a better means to do so?

I'm no doctor but here's the opinion of a paramedic, a guy who goes by the name of 'RaiderMan21' who made a post on Certainly should make for a good read:

"I work as Paramedic in a busy 911 system so I can give you my medical opinion.

The chances of Joel surviving his fall and not recieving immediate medical assistance and I mean immediate is slim to none.  There are crazy circumstances were people do survive those things.  I have seen someone get shot in the head and survive somehow, so it is not impossible but incredibly unlikely.  When Joel was impaled in the abdomen you assume he did not hit any large organs or anything vital.  But beyond that your talking about big time blood loss, he had no time to attempt to stop the bleeding because he was fighting enemies.  You also run the risk of that rod he was impaled on going through your spine and paralyzing you if not killing you.  Then you worry about infection, sure Ellie got him antibiotics but the amount she got would not come close to resolving that infection.


He fell on a rusty, filthy rod and had an open abdominal wound for who knows how long.  He would need very strong IV antibiotics, I stress the word IV and a tons of fluids and a long hospital stay to recover and thats on the off chance that he would survive to begin with.  So your answer from me is the chances of him surviving the initial fall is extremely slim, surviving without getting immediate medical attention, nearly impossible.  Surviving the infection from the rod without very powerful antibiotics, impossible.  So as you see, survival for Joel would be a medical miracle."