Arcturus said: Fastest: Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection (1 week, 2 hours) |
I'm not sure if I need to be impressed with your dedication or wonder if you just stop caring about a game after a few months. 6 of my platinums were over a year and 11 more were over 3 months.
KylieDog said:
I'm impressed with your god of war plat in under 24 hours total.
Yeah I have quite a few I could go back for, though many I never will because of the 3 times my ps3s died before cloud saves. Games like dead space, Batman AA, and Assassins creed 2 come to mind. I'm also with you on GTAIV after a long play session my game autosaved after it glitched and became unplayable when after quick traveling I was stuck in freefall.
Enslaved I only finished because of a sale last year where it was $5 for the game and the DLC.
Miguel_Zorro said:
My fastest platinum is Terminator Salvation at 10 hours, 12 minutes My longest is Prince of Persia at a whopping 3 years, 2 weeks. Some day I will go back and finish Infamous and Fallout 3. The clock is approaching 5 years since I earned my first trophies in those games. |
If I don't get the party person trophy for LBP in the next 26 days it will be 6 years for that game.
Was Terminator all in one session or it it really that fast of a platinum?