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EricFabian said:

don't like the idea of Wii U Pokemon? [not a Snap I mean]

I don't see the point. It would be cool if you could play your game on a big screen (like the gameboy player or transfer pak with Stadium allowed). But Pokemon is designed for handhelds, and there's nothing you could do with the main installments on console that you couldn't do on a handheld.

When I think about what Pokemon can be on consoles, I think of the old battle simulators like the Stadium games. We don't need those any more; they were a novelty because the Pokemon had 3D models, but now they have 3D models in the main games (models which are far superior to the original Stadium models on N64). The RPGs belong on handhelds first and foremost. I see the future of Pokemon on home consoles when I look at Pokken. Snap could make a comeback, I could see that working well on console or on handheld.

When people start describing all these things Pokemon could be on a home console that it can't be on a handheld, they stop describing Pokemon. They start describing WOW or Skyrim with a different coat of paint. That's all good and fine, as Pokken is obviously Tekken with a different coat of paint, Pokemon Conquest was obviously Nobunaga's Ambition with a different coat of paint, etc. But that's just it, a big console Pokemon RPG would essentially be a spin-off. People expect GameFreak to completely throw out all of their work on Pokemon over the past 20 years and start from scratch, making brand new battle mechanics, brand new models for all 700+ Pokemon (over 800 when taking forms into consideration) plus all of the trainer models.

This would be an absurdly massive project (it would have to be massive by nature in order to be impossible to make on handhelds). People think it would sell so well that Nintendo would make all of the money spent on it back instantly, but I don't buy it. The market for Pokemon is on handhelds. The internet has a habit of convincing itself that things are more popular than they actually are (such as convincing themselves that Metroid is some kind of juggernaut franchise comparable to Zelda, or that Majora's Mask is the best Zelda game and a remake would obviously sell gangbusters).

I believe this is one of those cases -- the internet has convinced itself that the majority of the Pokemon fanbase (which is at least 50% children) really would rather play a completely different game on a completely different console than the one they're already buying, and that there is some kind of enormous market of non-Pokemon players who would suddenly jump right into the series once it comes to consoles, because it's the gameplay and platform preventing the average college-aged gamer from taking the plunge into Pokemon, and not the world or the art style or the fact that it's Pokemon.