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You can choose only one new game to get to play in 2015. The reason for why this happened doesn't matter. Maybe you're really broke, or don't have as much time as you, or maybe this game is just so awesome you don't care about any other game coming out. The release date doesn't matter. For purposes of comparison -- all these games are all available at the same time and you only get to pick one (I'm so cruel right?)

Which one game do you choose?

My personal votes

Zelda U

if delayed then Xenoblade

if X is delayed then cry


EDIT Decided to run new poll to compare Uncharted 4 to everything else! 

Honorable mentions (Promising games I'd include if I had more poll options)

The Division

Quantum Break 


Persona 5


Star Fox

Mortal Kombat X

I predict NX launches in 2017 - not 2016