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>Move the CPU upto a 4770K..the K is crucial i believe for better overclocking capabilities

Yes, and I also recommend the 3770K since I don't think Ivy Bridge or Haswell overclock well at all. I use 3770K and get 4 GHz overclocked on air cooling with 8 virtual cores (hyperthreading). It has great single-core speed which is important for gaming. I've had this CPU for almost 4 years; sadly, the price hasn't budged much in all that time :(

64 GB may be too small for SSD. Installed games will chew up that space quickly. IMHO it's better to get a higher capacity, even if it's slower. Go for 128 GB minimum!

I wouldn't spend $1000 on a video card... a card half as expensive may be almost as good. Actually I wouldn't spend more than $250, but I'm a cheapskate on these.

$54 for an optical drive seems a tad expensive. Can you get one for $40 maybe?

Drop the creative labs sound card. If this card had a leg, it would try to kick you in the nuts. The motherboard is probably better quality sound and won't give you nightmares with shitty drivers and software. It'd be better to throw that cash in the garbage.

The 40mm fan will be noisier than hell. Just don't.