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I have to chime in

Move the CPU upto a 4770K..the K is crucial i believe for better overclocking capabilities

First motherboard..get a z97.. like Asus Z97 - A Atx. You want to have the ability to overclock the cpu, which z97 is better to do..keep to 97 designation as the broadwell chip next year is 97

Next, memory is ok. I prefer either corsair of gskill ripjaws. you can get 16gb for same price. 

Up the SSD to at least will be surprised how much OS and basic programs eat up the space. If you go 512gb, you can install some games on it and have some performance increases

Replace Titan Black with two gtx 970's. if you look at benchmarks using practically the same config as will see a single gtx 790 keep up with titan black..and with 650 less the price.. I suggest gigabyte or msi gtx 970s

Case ok.. i personally prefer NZXT ones

Moving can reduce to 750-850 power supply..since the new Nvidia cards are less power hungry

Why you need a DVD/CD writer? Everything is digital..Everything!

You can add the sound card, but most mobo's have great sound cards built in..if you move up on price on mobo..cut this out

23" a $2000 system build. If your budget is that big..either move to a 4k monitor. Asus PB287Q or a 27inch 1440p or if you care about to get 120fps..get one with nvidia gsync and 144hz

Your cards gtx 970sli will perform at least 60fps at all resolutions on most games..if the game is not optimized for pc..well you wont get the 60fps of course

Why do you have such an expensive network adapter..wait why do you need one? The mobo has one built in..gigabit..if you need can get a usb one that does 802.11ac

aaaand get rid of of all those fans..most high end cases already have the fans built in..if you have maybe one empty one..then buy one

get a mechanical keyboard for practically the same price..maybe 20-30 more

Ughh spend more on mouse..higher dpi and better surface area me..the mouse ergonamics and keyboard are the two most important factors for long gaming sessions.

Windows 10 doesnt come out till late 2015..pick up windows 8.1..yes that one..since newest version of directx only works with that version.

Thats my bit

Praise Gaben