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Aerys said:
Another pointless preview talking like if they had the game whereas they played 5 min of the same gameplay we all saw thousand times...

Waiting for this game to be a Gears Of War is even more stupid, like those who called The Last Of Us/Uncharted the Gears Of War from Sony.

It's funny, because back in 2007 when I started playing Uncharted, that was the initial thought that ran through my head, even as I was thinking Uncharted is what Tomb Raider should have developed into instead of growing stagnant.  

The first killer app game for the XB360 that made me buy one was Gears of War. Had a lot of fun with it, sampled the multiplayer and eagerly awaited Gears 2, which I never bothered to finish and skipped the multiplayer, and yet I still bought Gears 3, but found myself caring even less about the franchise than after being disappointed by Gears 2.

By contrast, Uncharted went from a very strong debut to a legitimate game of the year in Among Thieves, wrapping up a trilogy in a very satisfying way in Drake's Deception. 

At that point, Uncharted went from being a fun mix of Gears shooter mechanics and Tomb Raider story and exploration/puzzle solving play mechanics to the premiere franchise that I enjoyed as a quality game experience. Gears was no longer comparable to me. 

As for Tomb Raider; it rebooted into a franchise that is a lot more like Uncharted.