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celador said:
JayWood2010 said:


Xbox One and Wii U have never been 900k (or 10%) undertracked worldwide.  Saying you could say the same about X1 or Wii U is untrue because Wii U doesn't sell enough to be that wrong and X1 has NPD for a large part of their sales as well as regular percentage info from the UK, which is most of its market.

Im talking about 100-300k.  We already know WiiU has been overtracked but we dont comment every single week on that.  We made a thread so ioi could see it and moved on. Who knows about XBO on whether it is 100% accurate.  As far as we know PS4 is a few 100k off.  Thats nice and all but we dont need 50+ comments every single week talking about the exact same thing.  If you guys think you all can do a better job tracking these consoles then go do it instead of ridiculing the site owner and how he he only adjusted it to 9.9m instead of 10m.