Wonktonodi said:
michael_stutzer said:
Wonktonodi said: wow I'm worse at soul sacrifice than I though. I just got back into the game recently. Was doing rather well, but the Avalon pacts IX and X are really tough for me. I probably need to really adjust my character and play style. Or try and find skilled player and pray for a stable connection. |
I found them impossible to do Solo, though there are quite a bit of people who think it is easier to do them solo. After a long search I've found a really good team and I've done most of them in a single sitting. Some of them are incredibly difficult though. Especially the one with two identical woman- monsters (forgot the name). Prepare for some frustration.
that's one I'm on now Illecebra :( though knowing that I may go for other paths first.
and I'll have to beat it twice if I don't join a game with someone else who did the opposite of saving or sacrificing.
Yeah that is the one :). Though the good thing about it is that once you complete that pact the rest becomes really easy to you :). I've platted it some time ago but the only advice I can give you is that always bring an armor with you, in case you don't you use it. I've seen quite a bit of people coming to Illacebra fight without armor and they die with one hit, they just become nuisance.