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Mr_No said:
Qute said:

It gives him invulnerability over a period of time. However, since Jak froze time, Link's magic armor is now invulnerable for the time stop since time is frozen. Also, what's really preventing Link from stopping time? It's not like he takes time doing a time-stop. You also didn't counter Sonic's time stop either.

Samus definitely has the weaponry to fend Fred off. You seriously gave me nothing to believe that Fred would kill Samus other than tentacles and "unkown form" That's nice and all, but Samus's various visors can tell which one is real and which one is false. You still didn't address on how Ratchet would even see Samus due to the fact that Samus is way too fast for Ratchet. I really have doubts the Fred will even harm Samus. Really, you keep saying that Ratchet would hit her with the disco or Fred despite the fact that she's several times faster than her to the point where she can hit him before he can even blink.

Also, which dinosaur are you referring to? Vorash? Samus only had the basic powersuit(no varia upgrade) with only two energy tanks(the max you can collect at that point since Other M is a linear game for a Metroid game). With the varia suit, and plentiful amounts of energy tanks, she can easily shrug off nukes. Also, in that same scene, Vorash munched through that bridge which is made from Bendezium and Maldium, that same thing that easily takes nukes.

The mag-net wouldn't do anything to Samus's suit, as I said before, takes multi terawatts with low damage. In fact, why can't Samus just blow every single weapons Ratchet has?

What makes you think that Samus can just kill an interdimensional creature she knows nothing about? If an enemy caught by Fred would've killed him, he would've been dead already. Even her fancy visor would not detect the monster's full capabilities since she can't see how he is from the interdimensional portal. While Ratchet can't see her, Jak can stop time to spot her location, and allow Ratchet to open a disco ball, let her dance a bit and open a rift so she can immediately be dispatched by Fred. I've seen clips of her running and being curled up in a ball, and to be honest, she is not that fast (in the clips I've seen). The Mag-Net might not make damage to her, but it will hold her long enough for Ratchet to use any tactic. You might doubt that Fred won't eat her, but this isn't just a reckless fight. It's a tactical one. If at first Samus doesn't know about the capability of Ratchet's weapons, she'll go towards him and at least try to attack him. He deploys the disco ball, she starts dancing and getting her groove on, she gets all tentacle'd by Fred and dragged away to be eaten. If she's under the effect of the Groovitron, she can't attack Fred at all. The only way she'll stay away from Ratchet and his disco ball is for her to snap out of the effect and learn from it, which is impossible since Ratchet will use everything to his advantage to get rid of her. Her visor would only inform her that it's only a harmless disco ball

Honestly, this argument has gone in circles and it won't seem to end anytime. I don't see samus killing Ratchet in any way. Harm him? Probably? Kill him? Doubtful. I still stand by saying that Ratchet would beat samus.

Because she casually kills interdimensional creatures in Metroid Prime 2 Echoes. Furthermore, Fred can't catch Samus due to the fact that she's too fast for him.  Her visors casually detects people from other dimensions such as the dark visor.

Furthermore, she is that fast. The only reason why it looks slow is because you're controlling a character that goes at super sonic speeds. Samus perceives supersonic speeds as slow and the camera moves along with her super sonic speeds, hence the reason why it looks slow to the player.

Speed booster says "Dash at supersonic speeds"

I don't think you understand that speeds kills. If someone can pull the trigger faster than someone else can, that person wins. Ratchet can't hit people going at super sonic speeds, therefore, every shot of his will simply miss while Samus can shoot while not worrying about being hit. If you can never hit the enemy, you will lose. I hope you do realize this is how fast something traveling at the speed of sound is. (Mach 1) Look after the jet breaks the sound barrier, the jet's pretty much gone. Samus would be a living bullet.

Super Sonic speeds are Mach 1.2-5

As I said before, Toon Link and Sonic won't let Jak stop time because they can stop time and do it before Jak because Sonic's way faster faster.

"He's the world's fastest hypersonic hedgehog" Hypersonic speeds are mach 5-10.  Also, this is back in Sonic Adventure 1, in the later game Sonic Dark Brother Hood Chronicles, Omega said that Sonic will be approaching the speed of light. However, with the lightspeed dash shoes, he can move at the speed of light.

She will know what his items will do because she has the scan visor. A visor that will scan Ratchet and his abilities regardless if it's a disco ball. Her scan visor has told her about even the supernatural or mechanical along with their functions. Besides, Samus's weapons have projectiles are over 6 feet tall since they're taller than her. You act like Samus will run straight towards him and Ratchet will be able to hit her despite the fact that Ratchet has never hit any supersonic targets nor see them. It takes single digit millisecond reaction times to perceive something going past mach 1 in close range Also, Samus will be avoiding the range of any weapons and can simply run at supersonic speeds against his other weapons.

They will hit Ratchet and his weapons due to the fact that they are larger, destroying them. 

You didn't counter the darkburst which does practically the same thing as the Rip Rifter 5000(except it has a gravitational pull instead of tentacles which is better), nor did you counter the monado or triforce.

Being alone, is my greatest fear.