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binary solo said:

Unless SoM is some kind of graphics beast, or has crowds of characters all running around on screen, I can't see any legit reason for that sort of fps and res gap. We already know that games with 1080p 60fps on PS4 are capable of running at not that much less on Xb one, so to suggest 720p at 30 is an expected long term gap would need some robust objective evidence.


It appears using the ESRAM is important to achieving comparable performance, which is why it's there. But if devs don't make best use of it because it requires more work and optimisation compared to PC and PS4 builds then the differences may well magnify over time, but that's lazy dev just as much as gen 7 where devs often failed to come to grips with and make best use of PS3.

It is just my guesses after tall

Last year before launch I said that in my view the devs are using more time to optimize the Xbone version of the games to try to reach more close to PS4 version instead to optimize the game on PS4... the PS4 they are making easy port from PC and getting a good result without a lot of optimization.

So in my opinion the games launched in 2013 had this scenarios:

PS4: low optimized
Xbone: medium optimized

That is why I guess PS4 still have more to show than Xbone... and I believe MS is already helping devs to reach close to high level of optimization with the games on Xbone while PS4 is still lacking these optimizations.

The whole Xbone hardware system had a lot of bootlenecks... these bootlenecks on PS4 doesn't exists or are really a lot smaller compared to Xbone.