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I dont feel headache when I stress my eyes, but I feel them in the next day if I oversleep to compensate the tiresome I feel after a stressful day for my eyes. Worse is when I get spots on my peripheral vision due to excessive Web surfing or game session that are too long. These spots are like the ones you get when you look directly at a strong light source like the sun or light bulbs. And only disapear if I stay awake in a dark room for one hour. A doctor said to me in a consultation that is due to my brain starts to get tired of so much "image processing".
Never notice nothing about night and day cycles to help the situation. I usually work at a computer at day and game at night.

Hope you can get better.

Proudest Platinums - BF: Bad Company, Killzone 2 , Battlefield 3 and GTA4