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We live in a culture dominated by the media. Everywhere we turn, someone is telling us something via one medium or another. In order for anyone in this cacophony of voices to be heard, they exaggerate, exacerbate, and blow out of proportion any and all events that come along where someone has stepped out of line.

Because of that, we've become a culture of scandal vampires, looking to sink our teeth in the deviation of others.

Twitter explodes at the hint of indiscretion. People follow around scandal writers like oxen with rings through their noses, ready to jump when they're told to jump. It's--and I don't really know a better way to say this--fucking embarrassing. Stop being toys for the media, people. We're supposed to be educated, yet we fall for this as readily as any rube falling for the silver tongue of a snake-oil salesman.

I don't actually care if some kid violated a religious statue. It was dumb, it was disrespectful, and it was utterly harmless. It's something kids do all the time and, as Maher said, it's absolutely awesome that we live in a a part of the world where people can do dumb and harmless stuff and no one tries to kill them.

It's no big deal and those who try to make it a big deal should not be rewarded.