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So this is either a dumb idea or a brilliant one that I wanted to run by you guys.

As i said before about the bus thing, she lives in the same neighborhood as I do (i forget which street, though, but perhaps only half a mile distant), but i've never run into her on the morning bus to school. There are 4 buses in 2 pairs of routes that I can take to get to school, of which i always (at least in the morning getting there) choose the two closest to my house. Unless she's driving, she's taking the other bus two blocks away. Ergo, i simply switch routes Wednesday morning, and i have a 50/50 shot of sharing a bus with her, giving us a chance to talk a bit before class, which sets things up for the easier ask afterwards.

Or would that be too transparent to work since i never ride that bus usually?

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.