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I gotta say, I agree. I think it is a lot of smoke and mirrors.
The funny thing you mentioned about gamers being fickle, entirely true, they sort of won the battle of DRM with Xbox and PS. However, continuing with your smoke and mirrors idea, it's now the games that have went DRM insane, and likely with the help of MS/Xbox and PS brands. Both were going to have DRM locked systems that needed online access more or less 24/7 for use. The customers got pissed and made both do a 180 on that stance with their consoles. But now we have games like Destiny, Titanfall, probably the new AC Unity or whatever it's called, The Division is going to be the same as was just brought up in an interview that are all entirely online based and you can't play them without online access.
So did the consumers win the battle but loose the war? At this point, I'm going to say yes. Yes, because these games are the epitome of DRM just like the consoles were going to be, but it has made (up to this point) no difference in sales, and in fact two of the best selling games for both console support this online DRM model.
Does anybody else see an issue with this?
This is pretty much a rental of a game instead of buying it. Once these games lose their user base the servers are going to be lessened and eventually dropped entirely and you won't even be able to play the game anymore.
It rather pisses me off that these companies have done this so smoke and mirror show. All in the end to screw the consumer.
Alright, I'm done. Agree? Disagree? Why?

Gotta figure out how to set these up lol.