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RolStoppable said:
vivster said:

But I don't want Lana to be bad. She's my favorite. I will have to level her like crazy so that she's still the strongest fighter of them all :)

Haven't tried Agitha or Darunia yet. Probably gonna do some leveling for Zelda and try to get her other weapon. The session I played with her today was quite fun even though she is on a rather weak level.

I also warmed up a bit more to Fi. She feels terribly floaty, unresponsive and weak. But I could get used to it if she levels up some more.

Buy some level ups if you are impatient.

Fi's combo 5 and 6 are pretty good. You can dance into the middle of enemies and then deliver a final blow that hits everything surrounding you.

Here's my tier list:

Good: Link, Impa, Zelda, Ghirahim.
Average: Sheik, Lana, Ruto, Fi, Ganondorf, Midna.
Bad: Agnetha, Darunia, Zanto.

That reminds me, I haven't tried Midna yet. I only know that she's an absolute pain to fight against. Especially with Lana. She might be good but I'm not really a dog person.

I actually don't really want to use Link. His combos are ok and he is absolute killer in close combat, able to stunlock enemies even, but it's just so boring. I want something interesting and fun like Lana. That's why I have high hopes for Agitha and Ruto.

What do you think Ganondorf misses to be good? I thought he was quite fun with strong but faster than average attacks. His YYYYYX is absolute killer.

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