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That's a Premium phone right? Got to love the iSheep that always talk about other companies "plastic" phones! I mean you can take them and at least drop them on the ground without a case and you would be able to use the damn thing after unlike an iphone! People are confused on what premium build quality means.

I have a Blackberry Z10 and Q10... BOTH have been dropped while biking (without case) and NEVER have I once experienced a cracked screen or a dead phone as a result! These were dropped at pretty decent speeds on a paved track BTW. I even have a Galaxy S4 that had the same thing happen and the screen is still perfect! just some cosmetic housing damage that is getting fixed as I type this.

Had I had a iphone without a case that thing would have broken into 3242424 pieces. However what I love more is the fact that these sheep make fun of other plastic phones but they house there "premium" phone in a plastic case... If the iPhone is such a quality built device you would think it could put up with day to day abuse without a "plastic" case.

If you love your phone fine go for it! But don't try and kid yourself! Apple does not innovate, invent or really do anything but play catch up (the last 3-4 years have been this way). Apple is not our savior and are probably hands down the worst thing to happen to consumer tech in decades!