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By my calculations they should get roughly the same sales. Typical first calendar year a console sells the same amount Sept-Dec as it does Jan-Aug. That means possibly 3 million for Xb one for Sept-Dec. Year 2 typically the ratio is 2:1 Sept-Dec vs Jan-Aug. So for Wii, being in its 2nd year is should also do approx 3 million Sept-Dec.

So roughly the same amount of sales.

Also Wii U is currently getting double it's 2013 sales. Sept-Dec for Wii U was 2 million, which means Wii U could be in for a 4 million rather than 3 million Sept-Dec. Considering XB one's global is 2.3 million for the year Jan-Aug it would have to it would have to buck that ~1:1 trend and do almost 2:1 if Wii U is indeed on track for a 4 million Sept-Dec.

Things will be interesting and I'm not prepared to say either console is a dead cert to be number 2 this holidays. I hope it's Wii U. TBH I'd prefer Wii U to be the number 2 this gen.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix